Anyone that has Endometriosis knows that it is a painful disorder to say the least. Endometriosis is a disorder in which the tissue that habitually lines the inside of the uterus, the endometrium, grows outside your uterus, the endometrial implant. Endometriosis most regularly involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining your pelvis. When dealing with endometriosis the banished endometrial tissue acts as it normally would; it thickens, breaks down, bleeds with each menstrual cycle. Because this displaced tissue has no place to exit the body, it becomes trapped. When Endometriosis involves the ovaries, which come in cyst form, referred to as endometromas, it causes inflammation and scar tissue as well as adhesions where abnormal tissue that binds organs together.


Typical menstrual period symptoms such as cramping and pelvic pain are experienced; however, on a much more severe level. Further common symptoms include…endometriosis4

-Painful periods (medically known as dysmenorrhea; Pelvic pain, cramping, and even lower back/ abdominal pain before-during-after your period.)

-Pain with intercourse.

-Pain with bowel movements or urination.

-Excessive bleeding, menorrhagia, or bleeding between periods, menometrorrhagia.


-Fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea.



The causes of Endometriosis are not certain but are speculated to consist of:


-Retrograde menstruation. (This is when menstrual blood containing endometrial cells flow back through the Fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity instead of out of the body.

-Embryonic cell growth. (The cells lining the abdominal and pelvic cavities come from embryotic cells which can cause them to develop into endometrial tissue).

-Surgical scar implantation. (After a surgery, ie: hysterectomy or C-section, endometrial cells attach to a surgical incision.

-Endometrial cell transport. (The blood vessels transport endometrial cells to other parts of the body).

-Immune System Disorder. (the body does not recognize the endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus).1 


The risk factors that are associated with Endometriosis consist of…

-Infertility. (Approximately one third to one half of women with Endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant).

-Ovarian Cancer. (Women that share both ovarian cancer with endometriosis have highly increased risk).

-Inheritance of disorder. (Mothers, Aunt’s, Sister’s)

-Pelvic infections. (Increased family history)

-Uterine abnormalities.1



Although no medical cure exists for endometriosis sometimes medications, surgery, home remedies, and enzyme therapy have all been proven to help. Most Doctors initially treat patients with this disorder with first hormones to suppress growth of abnormal cells. If further action is needed some patients undergo surgery to remove scar tissue and endometriosis or even at drastic measures removal of the ovaries, uterus, and Fallopian tubes 2 all of which decrease fertility further and further.



There are home remedies to put to use stand alone or in addition to further treatment if pain persist and you can’t seem to find comfort. These include:

 -Warm baths. bath--z

-Heating pads to help relax pelvic muscles, reducing cramping and pain.

-Regular exercise has been seen to improve symptoms.

-Healthy well balanced diet.4


You may be surprised to know that Systemic Enzyme therapy is one of “the best and most effective natural therapies for endometriosis.”3 Endometriosis and systemic enzymes have been proven to increase the breakdown of scar tissue and degradation of tissues left behind from endometriosis.5 Further, these enzymes provide aid in reducing inflammation caused by scar tissue surrounding the organs and pain associated with endometriosis. The blood cleansing properties of systemic enzymes containing Nattokinase and enzyme/co-factor blend have been seen to bring proper circulation to the reproductive system and get the immobile blood cleared out. The Systemic enzyme Serrapeptase is known to even digest non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms.4  Systemic enzymes containing Serrapeptase coupled with Systemic Enzymes containing Nattokinase and enzyme/co-factor blend together create a proliferating effect that has been seen in many trail cases to improve overall symptoms of Endometriosis considerably.





  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/endometriosis/basics/definition/con-20013968
  2. http://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Minimally-Invasive-Gynecologic-Surgery-Center/Treating-Endometriosis-.aspx?gclid=CIWf4NSTzswCFc5hfgodpVILWw
  3. http://natural-fertility-info.com/fertility-enzyme-therapy
  4. http://www.endo-resolved.com/endometriosis_adhesions.html
  5. https://www.losethebackpain.com/blog/2014/08/12/fight-endometriosis-with-systemic-enzyme-therapy/


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Digestive Enzyme Supplements Are Bad For My Digestive System. I Don’t need Them.

Feeling bloating, discomfort, flatulence, and many other symptoms may be some of what you experience after eating. You could have eaten the same meal in the past and had no problems. Of course your body was more youthful and produced enough digestive enzymes to break down your food with ease. Now, as your body has aged the production of digestive enzymes have declined fully digesting your meals becomes a more difficult task to fulfill.

As many do, we seek a solution some opt to avoid these foods all together while others suffer through the frustrating and at times embarrassing symptoms. Then there are people who prefer to continue enjoying their favorite foods and supplement their bodies with digestive enzymes. Now there is always the question as to how much should I be taking (dosage), how long should I continue to use them, and will my body stop producing my natural digestive enzyme because I am taking digestive enzyme supplements?

First and foremost, dosage will not be dependent on your weight or age. This is a common belief among some people who are beginning to take enzyme supplements. Digestive enzymes work towards digesting your food. The food that you intake is the most important factor because it is what causes the digestive discomfort.

What is important when determining what dosage works best for you is the amount of food you intake, what type of food and how intense your symptoms are. Since each product is different, start out using the recommended dose. If that is not enough to provide you with satisfactory relief adjust the dose, increase it by one capsule and continue to work your way up until you find your ideal symptom alleviation. You may not need that much support, in these cases you can begin with half a dose and increase if necessary.

The main goal is providing enough enzymes to maximize the breakdown of food. Depending on what product you are taking you may have to take more or less capsules to achieve the same results. The main reason for this is because different products have different enzyme activity levels. You may only have to take one capsule using one product and need six capsules when using another.

Unfortunately digestive enzymes naturally produced by our bodies begin to decline in availability as we get older. The hearty meal we had no problem eating a few years ago now brings discomfort. This is not only physically challenging but emotionally as well because it brings frustration. Not knowing exactly what will potentially cause you digestive issues makes nutrition that much more difficult.

Since our bodies can no longer keep up producing the necessary amount of enzymes for digestion, we must supplement it. We need to have realistic expectations. We cannot assume that taking digestive enzyme supplements for a short period of time will fix our digestive issues. We have to compare digestive enzyme supplements to taking daily vitamins. Just as we use them to supplement what our bodies cannot produce and are needed to assist in body functions.

Nobody can tell you how long you should take digestive enzymes. It is possible that if your gut flora is healthy enough you may only need to take them occasionally. For some individuals taking oral digestive enzymes may be necessary for long periods of time especially if they never treat their underlining issues such as unhealthy gut flora, consuming highly processed foods, irreparable gut damage and many other contributing factors. Digestive enzyme supplementation will assist our body better digest the food we love but, it cannot fix any of these underlining issues.

Another misunderstanding for those hesitating to use supplementation of digestive enzymes is that taking them will trigger their body to stop producing them naturally or will contribute to further decreasing the amount of natural digesting enzymes it makes on its own. Our pancreas produces these enzymes.

The pancreas does not stop working; it continues produce, store and then releases enzymes when the food we consume enters the small intestine. The reason for this is because the pancreas cannot sense oral digestive enzymes nor is it controlled by feedback mechanisms. If supplementing your body with digestive enzymes really caused this then we would have to exclude raw foods from our diets which are packed with them.

It Ages, It Changes, It Can’t Perform As Well: The Body & What Nutrients It Needs To Keep You Healthy

We tend to worry about taking care of our bodies when we are older and the signs of it aging are more noticeable. Or perhaps your doctor has recommended changes in your lifestyle, diet and supplementation. Getting all the necessary nutrients from your food can be challenging and an intimidating task to approach.

The task only gets more difficult as you search for vitamin, probiotic, or whatever nutrient supplement you need. It seems as though the lists are never ending and there is so much information most of us don’t take enough, take too many, take what we don’t need, or give up all together. However, it is very important to provide our aging body with the nutrition it needs to keep its performance to par with our lifestyles.

For some women as they begin to approach their 50’s, pre menopause symptoms begin to affect the normal functions of their body. Hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, night sweats, fatigue, low energy, and weight gain are just a few of the tormenting side effects. Here are a few helpful ingredients to look for during your hunt for the best supplements to help your cope with the inevitable changes.

Calcium + Vitamin D

Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium from diet


  • For prevention of bone loss in premenopausal women over 40
  • For prevention of weak bones (osteoporosis)
  • For prevention of premenstrual symptoms
  • Calcium supplements are often divided into two doses a day for increased absorption of calcium
  • Calcium are best taken with food


  • Found in meat, milk, eggs, poultry, and fortified cereals
  • B-12 obtained from our food requires sufficient stomach acid to separate it from the protein it is bound to in order for the body to make use of it
  • In older individuals the stomach acid production declines and it is likely the body is not efficiently absorbing nutrient based B-12
  • Supplemental B-12 is needed in these cases

Black cohosh

  • Helps relieve hot flushes, insomnia, nocturnal sweating, dizziness, headaches and palpitations. All of these menopausal symptoms related to the automatic nervous system.


  • Help convert food into energy the body uses
  • Many supplements use it to help promote higher energy levels in individuals who suffer from fatigue and low energy
  • Can be found in natural foods, both animal and vegetable
  • Poor diets may require supplementation of B-vitamins

Vitamin E

  • Helps with rheumatoid arthritis
  • Assists during premenstrual syndrome
  • Alleviation of menstrual cramps


  • Help keep your gut healthy and well balanced
  • Promote healthy microflora
  • Can help improve symptoms such as bloating, inflammation, etc.

Although you have many options from which to choose, most doctors only recommend taking a maximum of 6 supplements at a time. This helps make sure you are not taking more than your body can beneficially absorb. It is not unheard of that people over consume supplements and essentially throw money away because their body can’t efficiently absorb all of them.


Some supplements contain one ingredient while others maybe a blend of complimenting ingredients formulated to target specific concerns. Depending on what you are hoping to treat you should consult with your physician to find the best approach to fit your needs. Also make sure if you are taking multivitamins look for one that meets the 100% daily value.

Some multivitamins have a 200% daily value which is not necessary for the great majority of the population. You will be wasting money and taking in extra unnecessary nutrients that your body could potentially rid itself of, go unused, or contribute to weight gain.

Staying Healthy: Are you doing it Right?

You might already be taking care of your body, eating right and working out but while doing this you might actually be hurting your body. While getting on your feet and being active is part of a healthy lifestyle properly doing these activities can help avoid injuries and discouragement. Running is a highly effective and easy exercise to do simply because it helps burn tons of calories and can be done virtually anywhere. Here a few guidelines to help you master the art of running, refueling your body, and repairing your hardworking muscles.

  1. Control your body, you control your run.
  2. Breathe in breathe out, relax your body.
  3. Posture, posture, posture!

run advice image

Use your food and supplementation to your advantage

  1. Fuel your body with clean meals, perform better
    1. Nobody ever wants to feel sluggish for a session at the gym the better you eat the less likely this will affect your ability to stick to your workout routine.
  2. Refuel your muscles, get stronger
    1. Sometimes food alone does not cut it. Reaching your goals may require you to invest in some protein powder to help your muscles gain strength and mass.
  3. Supplements, fill in the gaps your diet and active life style may not be able to do alone
    1. Digestive enzymes can help you reap more out of your meals and so your stomach does not have to work as hard to digest (e.g. high protein diets)
    2. Serrapeptase, proteolytic enzyme, helps alleviate symptoms of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) such as inflammation and fibrin build up potentially helping decrease the amount of time your muscles need to recover.
      1. Studies found that the muscles require roughly 10 days to recover. When participants included Serrapeptase in their supplementation they saw a cut in recovery time by half.

How Is Your Gut Microflora Making You Fat? : Gut Health, Toxins, Inflammation, Weight, and Illness

Do you eat the same types, healthy or unhealthy, amounts of food as your friends but find yourself piling up more pounds than they do? It is possible that they have hit the genetic jackpot and can eat everything they want and still stay lean. However, there is actually more to it than genetics. There is one other contributing factor that you could correct to help you reap the benefits of your healthy eating habits with the occasional cheat meal, and still manage a healthy weight.


Recent studies have discovered that the microflora found in our gut plays a significant role in how many extra pounds we tend to carry. A study found that the guts of individuals that were either overweight or obese were dominated by pathogenic (bad) bacteria. Opposite of this, individuals with guts dominated with beneficial (good) bacteria were leaner. The main issue seems to lay on the interactions between fat cells and bad bacteria because they form a cascade of chaos in other body processes.

Pathogenic bacteria get to work, interacting with fat cells, producing superantigens (toxins that activate white blood cells called T-cells) and ultimately causing the over production of cytokines triggering the inflammation response. Researchers have found E.coli to hinder detoxification processes due to its production of the toxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). With high amounts of bad bacteria detoxification processes such as the LPS detoxification fails contributing to a vicious cycle of toxin accumulation, cytokine production and inflammation of the body.obesity.inflammation of liver

  1. Gut filled with pathogenic bacteria allow large amounts of toxins to circulate the body
  2. Toxins interact with fat cells causing production of cytokines
  3. Superantigens accumulate
  4. High concentration of toxins in the body affects detoxification processes (e.g. LPS)
  5. The inflammation response is constantly active due to cytokine over production (lead on by toxin activated T-cells)

Chronic inflammation can damage cells possibly making them insulin resistant and increasing the potential for developing diabetes a known side effect of obesity.

When the gut is filled of bad bacteria other accompanying issues include digestive discomfort, inflammatory based conditions, and carrying extra weight. Using probiotics and prebiotics can help restore a balance in the gut microflora. Cleansings will help clear out any accumulation of toxins in the body triggering overall inflammation.

gutobeseDealing with the inflammation is also important in preventing the onset of other illnesses. Adding natural supplements that have anti-inflammatory properties will help in the process of restoring beneficial bacteria as well. Cytokine signaling can be decreased with the aid of Serrapeptase, an enzyme with both fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory properties, in combination with prebiotics and probiotics it will gradually improve the guts health, digestion, and eventually ones attempt at staying lean and preventing disease.

The key idea here is that if we provide our bodies with the right tools to up keep a gut filled of beneficial bacteria our other efforts to stay healthy will be reflected.

New Year, New Habits: Healthy Can Be A Habit

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As the New Year arrives so does the opportunity to get a fresh start on goals we derailed from over the course of the previous year. We may have received and given many gifts over the holidays but, the most important gift we can offer ourselves is health. This gift keeps on giving as long as we continue to keep it a priority after all it is the only gift that nobody else can give us. Here are a few easy tips to follow to keep our bodies at peak performance.

Stay Active

Even a little exercise is better than none. As we continue to allow our bodies to remain stationary most of the day we begin to allow our muscles, joints, and bones to lose efficacy. This contributing to being high at risk for arthritis, high blood pressure, stress, low bone density, becoming overweight, and losing posture.

Exercises you can include are cardio, weight training, and start lightly and increase over time as recommended by your doctor and under guidance of a certified personal trainer. Walking after dinner can also help burn those calories and give you an opportunity to get out of the house or office to clear your mind.pool

Find a hobby

Yoga is a great way to give you time to relax and forget the world. The deep breathing, silence and focus required act like a form of meditation. Clearing your mind will help decrease stress levels and will go on to bring your body overall wellbeing. When you are stressed it can cause changes in the immune cells gene activity leading them to already be active when released into the blood to fight off infections or treat injury regardless if the body is in the state or not. This then can lead to inflammation in the body. The problem that then arises is the onset of inflammation based conditions.

Additional active hobbies include; tennis, walking, bicycling, swimming, and basically anything that will get you off the couch and most importantly that you enjoy.

Fuel your body

Eating the right food is ideal for every day success to maintaining a healthy body. Instead of finding yourself hungry and running to the nearest fast food restaurant, try packing snacks. Carrying a few veggies, nuts, or fruit can always save you from those fatty foods loaded with high calories. Preparing meals in advance can also help maximize your time. Setting one day aside for your week meals comes in handy when trying to be more conscious of your body, time and budget.snacks-to-go

Find ways to supplement your body. It is easy to fall short of our needed daily nutrient values when we are always on the run. Daily vitamins, fish oil, digestive enzymes, and other supplements that may be necessary should be part of your daily routine. Adding them to your list of things to do or having a daily pack with you can help avoid forgetting.

While taking these little steps toward a healthy version of yourself, try to not get frustrated. Change comes gradually and within a few weeks they become habits. Do your best to keep up with them long enough to make them staples of the usual daily routine.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Are You Putting Yourself At Risk?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be a very uncomfortable condition to deal with. Not to mention how it can be a continuous cycle of infections, inflammation and a variation of some or no symptoms. The precise mechanism by which microorganisms ascend from the lower genital tract in to the upper is not exactly understood. However, there are a few ideas as to what may contribute to the development and cycle of PID.


There are two phases of PID that occur during the onset of the condition. The first step is the acquirement of a vaginal or cervical infection. This is most often sexually transmitted. During this stage it is common to be asymptomatic and this may carry on throughout the condition. At the second phase there is an ascent of microorganisms from the vagina or cervix in to the upper genital tract leading to infection and inflammation.


Generally the mucus of the cervix is the main line of defense in preventing upward spread of microorganisms. However, as inflammation increases the effectiveness of this barrier is vastly decreased. Hormonal changes can also contribute to decreases in the level of protection. During menstruation the opening of the cervix can allow for exposure and facilitate infection, retrograde flow can also ease the ascent of microorganisms.bacteria and pid

Bacteria can be carried up the genital tract via rhythmic uterine contractions or transported into the uterus and fallopian tubes when carried along with sperm. Intercourse increases the chances of these events occurring. However, practicing healthy, hygienic and preventative sexual habits can help decrease the risks of developing PID. A high number of sexual partners, history of STI’s, sexual abuse, douching, and Gynecologic surgical procedures can increase the risks as well. Hysteroscopy, curettage, and endometrial biopsies are just a few examples of the procedures that break the cervical barrier and predispose the patients to ascending infections.


Although there are treatments for PID, it is possible to continue having the infection in the body if these are not taken as directed. That is why it is important to manage the condition and its symptoms if any are present. Considering a healthy weight, controlled diabetes, estrogen levels, and the use of antibiotics are a few of the contributing factors to the development of PID, overall wellness and preventative measures are important. Probiotics, anti-inflammatory agents, enzymes, and other natural supplementation can ease the task of helping the body fight off anything potentially harmful.

Proteases can help breakdown cellular debris and toxins that can trigger inflammation. Other enzymes such as Serrapeptase and papain contribute to this by breaking down fibrin that can accumulate in the body initiating the inflammation response cascade. Chronic or frequent inflammation is harmful to the body and can contribute to a multitude of other conditions and reproductive limitations. Yeast bacteria, being one of the most common affecting women also needs special attention. Supplements that include chitosanase help breakdown the cell wall of yeast making it easier for proteases to target its contents for disposal.


According to laparoscopic testing, approximately 30% to 40% of PID affected females have polymicrobial infections.  Although these infections may begin with a single bacterium, there is high opportunity for other bacteria to also begin invading the genital area. Inflammation of the upper genital tract is one facilitator for the movement of other pathogens because it can isolate the bacteria allowing it to continue growing undisturbed and abscesses to form.

The best treatment is prevention. Keeping a good level of hygiene and practicing a healthy sex life is very important. Once damage has been done to the reproductive organs it is irreparable. Inflammation can potentially lead to these complications if left untreated. Because PID can be asymptomatic doctors highly recommend women get regularly tested to protect themselves from harmful infections.

Dietary Fats: What Can You Do to Help Decrease Your Risks of Developing Cancer

weight scaleEverywhere we look there is a new fad to keeping slim and watching our diets. Whether it be losing a few pounds in a short period of time or stealing a celebrity’s secret diet, these are now mainstream staples to a “healthy lifestyle”. However, the amount of people that fall back into bad eating habits or gain back all of the weight they lost, and then some, are well above the success rates. So how can we stay motivated to continue these lifestyle changes? If keeping yourself fit, healthy, and preventing illnesses is important to you, take notes.

It is no secret that the American diet is very high in fat. A whopping 35% of fat composes the daily dietary intake. And how can we help ourselves when at every corner all you have are promises of fast and affordable fried, oily food. Not to mention iced liquid sugar in a cup, or as some like to call it “Venti Caramel Frappuccino”.  Now let us wipe off the dripping oil from our juicy burger and look into what we are really doing to our bodies.lose weight

High amounts of fat are consumed daily by the average American; usually it comes hidden in high calorie foods. Animal products, fried food, and added oils are some of the contributors. So your body, trying to save that for later use, stores it giving you that fluffy look. It is recommended that the average person should intake no less than 30% of dietary fat daily.

However, a study done on women over the span of 8 years did not show any decrease in the risks of cancer development. These results suggest that this amount might still be too high to reap any real preventative benefits. But while some may think it is ok to be a few pounds overweight and to have a few cheat meals every week, they might actually be slowly setting themselves up for future sessions of chemotherapy and radiation. Over the years ovarian cancer was rare especially in women of Asian descent. With diets that were composed of plentiful amounts of rice and vegetables their average fat intake was 7 to 10 %.


Soy products are also a big part of the Asian diet. This actually helps these women keep their estrogen levels low and cancers away. The way it works is that soybeans contain a natural estrogen known as phytoestrogens. Phyto- literally translates to “plant”. This assists in decreasing cell stimulation by replacing estrogen with a weaker plant- version, then occupying receptors in cells where estrogen normally connects.

So what does fat have to do with uterine and ovarian cancers? Well there are studies revealing that fats are linked to high estrogen levels. Additionally, there are also studies that have found strong correlations between high estrogen hormone levels and cancer development in women. If high estrogen levels are somehow dependent on the amount of body fat percentage we have and fats we consume, then we can nip the problem at the source and fix the underlining problem, our diets. This is an easy fix that can help us decrease our risk of developing cancer.take supplement

Adding supplements to our diets can help us better take care of our body. Dietary supplements become more needed as we age or when we develop any food intolerances. We can change our diets as much as we want but if the body is not properly absorbing needed nutrients then there are hardly any benefits acquired. Good examples of digestive enzymes you should look for in digestive supplements are lipase, amylases, cellulose, lactase, etc.

Fiber is another great source of food; it not only helps you feel fuller but, it also helps your body rid itself of waste estrogen. When the liver filters the blood; it extracts excess waste estrogens. Soon after all of the collected estrogen waste is sent through the bile duct and then onto the intestinal tract. At this location the fiber absorbs it up and carries it out with the other waste. When a diet is high in fat and low in fiber it is more likely that these estrogen wastes find their way back into the bloodstream. Studies have found that adding foods such vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamin C and beta-carotene along with grains supplying selenium could help lower the risks of developing cancer.Dietary-Fiber

With high body fat providing gateway to the onset of cancers that most affect women such as breast, uterine, and ovarian it is important to focus a little more on what we put in our mouths majorly for health reasons rather than vanity.

What Can You do to Help Your Body? Menopause and Some of Its Affects on the Body

Weight gain and osteoporosis are only two of the many problems menopause can bring. It can be difficult to cope with the transitions the body goes through because there are so many symptoms associated with menopause. These are inevitable, yet there are a variety of options readily available to help women manage the at times uncomfortable ups and downs that come along with menopause.


Osteoporosis is the weakening of the bones, making them brittle and easily prone to fractures. The pores in the spongy like section of the bones become larger and weaken the bone. The simple issue in this condition is that the removal of old bone overpasses the creation on new one. Menopause and pre-menopause low levels of estrogen have been found to have a direct link to osteoporosis. These low estrogen levels also lead to nonexistent or infrequent menstruation periods, increasing loss of bone mass.

Natural alternatives to help deal with osteoporosis development include supplementation. Adding vitamins such as D and calcium to your diet are one option. These will assist your changing body in the fight against osteoporosis. Vitamin D aids intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, phosphate, zinc, and magnesium. All of which are important for the support of strong bones. Another option is digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes help with the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Depending on what enzymes are found in your digestive formula will determine what foods they will assist breaking down, allowing the body to absorb them easily.sup veg


With the decrease of estrogen hormone levels, the protection it provides cartilage against inflammation starts to lose its effectiveness. Inflammation in these areas can result in cases of osteoarthritis. This condition comes along with joint pain and further inflammation, loss of mobility, and flexibility along with other limitations. Adding Papain; enzymes found in papaya, Serrapeptase; an anti-inflammatory enzyme found in the gut of silk worms, along with others like Bromelain; found in pineapples, can help alleviate some the pain and inflammation found with these conditions.

Healthy Weight

A healthy weight can also help decrease the severity of these two conditions. Menopause brings with it, weight gain for most women. So it is very important to continue healthy habits pre and post menopause. Decreasing calorie intake by 200-300 after age 50 will help maintain the average weight previously held. However, if losing excessive weight gained from menopause or if heavier prior to menopause it is a good idea to begin introducing a continuous exercise regimen to one’s lifestyle. Specifically weight training is a good way to help promote building stronger denser bones.weights


A combination of weight training and cardio is ideal when looking to fight excessive fat and weakening bones. It is easy to stick to these new lifestyles when someone trains with you, so bring along a friend or a few to motivate each other. The workouts do not have to be so difficult, a simple 30 minute weight training class or circuit can be incorporated followed by 20 minutes of High intensity intervals of cardio or 30 minutes of moderate constant cardio. Whatever you choose as long as you work towards assisting your body during the stressful transition menopause puts your body in. Inflammation, delayed onset muscle soreness, and pain can result from workouts especially with increasing intensities. Serrapeptase and proteases both can help with these issues. Serrapeptase blocks cytokine signaling involved in inflammation due to immune response to repair muscles, therefore decreasing the inflammation and pain/soreness associated with it. The proteases will work towards breaking down cellular debris/toxins in the blood to help fight inflammation. Fibrin released by the muscles during exercise due to muscle cell tearing is also broken down by Serrapeptase. This is important because excessive fibrin build up in the body leads to further inflammation.

Here are a few tips and options on eating healthy and staying fit

Exercise programsyoga

  • Crossfit
  • Cycling
  • Boot camp
  • Strength training (beginner, moderate, advanced)
  • Sports (e.g. Tennis)
  • Yoga
  • Cardio (Stairmaster, elliptical, etc.)

Most importantly set realistic goals you can keep and are of your interest to avoid letting exercise fall out of your daily routine and making it an enjoyable part of your day.

Healthy eating tipsboth-healthy-and-unhealthy-carbs-on-a-plate

  • Small meals (help boost your metabolism)
  • Slowly substitute processed food out of your diet for natural ingredients
  • Snack on fruits, veggies, nuts
  • Make meals ahead of time (always prepared when in a rush, avoiding making bad food choices)
  • Find easy and quick recipes (less frustrating)
  • Carb cycle (alternate between low and high carb days)
  • Invest on a juicer (your vitamins and nutrients to go)
  • Drink enough water

Whether maintaining weight or losing, sleep is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. 7-8 hours a night are highly recommended.

Uterine Fibroids: 3 Small Changes that Could Make Dealing with Uterine Fibroids Easier

What-Are-Uterine-FibroidsWomen who have to deal with fibroids know that managing levels of the hormone estrogen and progesterone is very important. Most prescribed medication deals around this issue since it has been suggested fibroids growth may be linked to a high estrogen and progesterone setting. As they grow the symptoms that accompany them are more pronounced. Pain, heavy bleeding, and inflammation are common results of these and can possibly lead to other underlining issues. However, most women with uterine fibroids do not experience any symptoms. It is likely for women who do have heavy or in between period bleeding, to develop an iron deficiency. While in others fibroids may cause a very painful period but, in some cases this pain could also be a result of endometriosis. When tissue that lines the uterus grows in other areas it is known as Endometriosis, this tissue breaks down and causes bleeding during menstruation. Following the tissue breakdown scar tissue develops in the areas it has grown in, this leading to a painful period.

What can I do to manage my fibroids?

Birth control is a method of treatment that has been used to manage the hormones estrogen and progesterone thought to be involved in the growth of fibroids. It has also been effective in keeping the menstruation cycle on a schedule and in decreasing bleeding during periods. When periods are heavy it can lead to anemia, lethargy, chest pain etc. Another hormone management alternative is hormone therapy. It also helps control hormone levels but can have multiple side effects after continuous use making the treatment useful for only a few months at a time. These symptoms include; bone loss, some experience dryness of the vaginal area, and menopause like symptoms.


Studies have been focused on finding a reason for the development of fibroids, managing the symptoms and curing the condition, have actually provided findings that could delay the growth of fibroids and alleviate the symptoms that come with it.  A cure or reason for fibroids has not been found but, research has found correlations between exercise, diet, and supplementation and fibroids.

How can caring for your body help you manage fibroids and their symptoms?

Aside from the current medication and treatments, women who suffer from fibroids have more control than they know in assisting these treatments to further enhance their effects. Diets can be managed, eating and avoiding certain foods can contribute to factors that increase or decrease fibroids growth. While exercise, has been shown to decrease the chances of developing fibroids and decreasing their size.

weights and food

Specific foods can harm your body as we all know. But, when you have conditions such as uterine fibroids what you decide to eat can really affect your progression. Effects in estrogen levels have been suggested to be linked to certain foods. Below are a few examples of what has been recommended to avoid in your diet to further assist in the treatment and preventive care of fibroids.

Foods to Avoid in your Diet Foods to Add to your Diet
Alcohol Low fat milk
Artificial sweeteners Vitamins
Animal fats Iron
Cream and butter Serrapeptase
Ice cream and Chocolate Increase vegetable intake

Avoid heating your food in plastic containers as it can leak into the food. This has been proposed to have an effect on estrogen levels.

Supplementation/Natural Alternatives

Increasing your daily activities can help keep you healthy and fit. Loosing excess fat is important since it can increase estrogen levels. Making easy changes to your daily routine like walking to the market or taking a 30 minute walk after dinner can really make a difference to your overall health.

With a constant bleeding, iron levels can get very low and it is important to implement it in our diets. Whether it is through supplementation or our food, it must be maintained to avoid developing anemia. Your doctor can guide you through this to avoid or manage anemia.

Natural supplementation such as enzymes can assist breaking down the fibrin found in fibroids. Fibrin buildup contributes to the growth of fibroids and does not allow cells that have become damaged to repair themselves. Studies have shown that the enzyme Serrapeptase has fibrinolytic activity, breaking down fibrin and assisting in the decrease of inflammation. Some of the benefits of the breakdown of fibrin include; decreasing swelling, the feeling of pain, the size of fibroids, and tissues are allowed properly regenerate. Another assisting enzyme is Nattokinase which also has fibrinolytic activity.


When looking for a natural supplement, including these other ingredients could help with uterine fibroid symptoms and fibrin breakdown.

Bromelain Proteolytic enzyme; anti-inflammatory benefits
Papain Proteolytic enzyme; found in papaya
Proteases Protein breakdown into polypeptides and amino acids, assists in elimination of fibrin
Rutin Antioxidant bioflavonoid; may assist in suppressing growth of uterine leiomyoma cells
Amla Antioxidant and good source of vitamin C suggested to increase metabolic activity

Amla Fruit