Anyone that has Endometriosis knows that it is a painful disorder to say the least. Endometriosis is a disorder in which the tissue that habitually lines the inside of the uterus, the endometrium, grows outside your uterus, the endometrial implant. Endometriosis most regularly involves your ovaries, bowel or the tissue lining your pelvis. When dealing with endometriosis the banished endometrial tissue acts as it normally would; it thickens, breaks down, bleeds with each menstrual cycle. Because this displaced tissue has no place to exit the body, it becomes trapped. When Endometriosis involves the ovaries, which come in cyst form, referred to as endometromas, it causes inflammation and scar tissue as well as adhesions where abnormal tissue that binds organs together.


Typical menstrual period symptoms such as cramping and pelvic pain are experienced; however, on a much more severe level. Further common symptoms include…endometriosis4

-Painful periods (medically known as dysmenorrhea; Pelvic pain, cramping, and even lower back/ abdominal pain before-during-after your period.)

-Pain with intercourse.

-Pain with bowel movements or urination.

-Excessive bleeding, menorrhagia, or bleeding between periods, menometrorrhagia.


-Fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea.



The causes of Endometriosis are not certain but are speculated to consist of:


-Retrograde menstruation. (This is when menstrual blood containing endometrial cells flow back through the Fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity instead of out of the body.

-Embryonic cell growth. (The cells lining the abdominal and pelvic cavities come from embryotic cells which can cause them to develop into endometrial tissue).

-Surgical scar implantation. (After a surgery, ie: hysterectomy or C-section, endometrial cells attach to a surgical incision.

-Endometrial cell transport. (The blood vessels transport endometrial cells to other parts of the body).

-Immune System Disorder. (the body does not recognize the endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus).1 


The risk factors that are associated with Endometriosis consist of…

-Infertility. (Approximately one third to one half of women with Endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant).

-Ovarian Cancer. (Women that share both ovarian cancer with endometriosis have highly increased risk).

-Inheritance of disorder. (Mothers, Aunt’s, Sister’s)

-Pelvic infections. (Increased family history)

-Uterine abnormalities.1



Although no medical cure exists for endometriosis sometimes medications, surgery, home remedies, and enzyme therapy have all been proven to help. Most Doctors initially treat patients with this disorder with first hormones to suppress growth of abnormal cells. If further action is needed some patients undergo surgery to remove scar tissue and endometriosis or even at drastic measures removal of the ovaries, uterus, and Fallopian tubes 2 all of which decrease fertility further and further.



There are home remedies to put to use stand alone or in addition to further treatment if pain persist and you can’t seem to find comfort. These include:

 -Warm baths. bath--z

-Heating pads to help relax pelvic muscles, reducing cramping and pain.

-Regular exercise has been seen to improve symptoms.

-Healthy well balanced diet.4


You may be surprised to know that Systemic Enzyme therapy is one of “the best and most effective natural therapies for endometriosis.”3 Endometriosis and systemic enzymes have been proven to increase the breakdown of scar tissue and degradation of tissues left behind from endometriosis.5 Further, these enzymes provide aid in reducing inflammation caused by scar tissue surrounding the organs and pain associated with endometriosis. The blood cleansing properties of systemic enzymes containing Nattokinase and enzyme/co-factor blend have been seen to bring proper circulation to the reproductive system and get the immobile blood cleared out. The Systemic enzyme Serrapeptase is known to even digest non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms.4  Systemic enzymes containing Serrapeptase coupled with Systemic Enzymes containing Nattokinase and enzyme/co-factor blend together create a proliferating effect that has been seen in many trail cases to improve overall symptoms of Endometriosis considerably.





  1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/endometriosis/basics/definition/con-20013968
  2. http://www.cedars-sinai.edu/Patients/Programs-and-Services/Minimally-Invasive-Gynecologic-Surgery-Center/Treating-Endometriosis-.aspx?gclid=CIWf4NSTzswCFc5hfgodpVILWw
  3. http://natural-fertility-info.com/fertility-enzyme-therapy
  4. http://www.endo-resolved.com/endometriosis_adhesions.html
  5. https://www.losethebackpain.com/blog/2014/08/12/fight-endometriosis-with-systemic-enzyme-therapy/


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Common Fertility Myths

Male-egg-and-female-spermsWhenever a couple has difficulty conceiving people are always quick to jump to wild remedies and tricks to help increase their chances of fertility. Most methods are completely false and have never been scientifically proven. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “nearly 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the United States ages 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant.” Doctors treat infertility with Assisted Reproductive Technology, Intrauterine Insemination, and Medicine. Unfortunately, some choose to take the unconventional approach. Common myths about infertility include:
You’ll conceive more quickly if you make love with the lights on. Making love with the lights on or off is purely preference. The

lighting in the room has no effect on fertility levels.
Trying to conceive early in your fertile period will affect the sex of the baby. Many people used to believe that sperm with a Y-chromosome (boy) travel faster than X-chromosome sperm (girl). An NEJM study was unable to validate that myth.

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6 Tips to Eat Healthy on a Budget


In today’s hectic daily routine many say it’s too costly and time consuming to eat healthy. People are sent running from fast food chain to fast food chain for breakfast lunch and dinner in hopes of a quick bite at an unbeatable price. What they are really paying for are mystery meats with a side of harmful preservatives at a low price. Not realizing those bargains will have them running just as frantically for a health care clinic months down the line to save them from their acquired health problems. Do not worry, you no longer have to think fast food is the only way to eat on a budget. With these simple guidelines eating healthy on a budget is easier than you think. All it takes is a little planning and you will be on your way to a healthy, happy lifestyle.

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Are Cosmetics Putting Your Health at Risk?

Chemicals in MakeupDay in and day out women of all ages use countless cosmetic products on their skin. Would you still use such products if they were putting you at risk for cancer and chronic disease? Unfortunately, the FDA does not closely regulate the cosmetic industry. Only the color additives in cosmetic products are regulated. This presents endless loopholes for big name companies to abuse. Nearly all cosmetics stocked in local retail stores contain multiple carcinogens. From shampoos, lotions, deodorant to lipsticks and cosmetics, carcinogens are getting absorbed into your skin daily. The five most common toxins in top brand cosmetic products include:

Parabens are a group of chemicals commonly used as preservatives used in shampoos, lotions, and facial scrubs. Parabens are closely linked to elevated estrogen levels because they mimic estrogen cells by binding to the hormone cell receptors. In some cases, parabens have been found in biopsies of breast tumors. Parabens can be found on labels under several different names including: mathylparaben, propylparaben, isoparaben, and butylparaben. To avoid this look for products labeled “paraben-free.”

Phthalates have been recognized by the EPA as “probable human carcinogens.” Controversy surrounding phthalates has grown tremendously over the past decade. Phthalates are used in everything from cosmetics, vinyl flooring, and household cleaning products. Many times phthalates are used to help lotion absorb into skin faster. Research has shown that phthalates disrupt hormone function and are particularly harmful to developing children. Some phthalates such as Dibutylphthalate and Diethylphthalate can be abbreviated as DBP and DEP on product labels.

Quaternium-15 and Formaldehyde are often used as preservatives and have been linked to cancer. Quaternium-15 is a preservative and studies have shown a direct correlation to the preservative and leukemia. Most nail products and hair gel contain formaldehyde. Shockingly, some baby shampoo formulas have even contained these dangerous carcinogens. Be sure to check for Formaldehyde, quaternium-15, DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea, diazolidinyl urea, and bromopol on any cosmetic labels before making a purchase.

Lead is a dangerous neurotoxin that builds up in the bloodstream leading to cognitive problems and increased aggression. According to the FDA close to 60% of lipsticks sold in mass retail markets contain high levels of lead. The FDA has yet to take considerable action against the major manufacturers endangering public health.

Methylisothiazoline (MIT) was brought into the spotlight lately by research studies due to findings that show MIT causes substantial neurological damage. MIT is used as an antibacterial preservative to remove unwanted bacteria and fungi. MIT is found in many well-known shampoos and conditioners in the retail mass market.

Luckily, due to increased awareness and consumer demand for safer product standards, Walmart is implementing the removal of toxic chemicals from products sold in their stores. As many as ten toxic chemicals are no longer allowed in cosmetic products sold at the consumer level. Walmart started this revolutionary phase-out this September to take a step towards a safer cosmetic industry. As long as consumers keep pressuring big name companies, it’s only a matter of time before the correct actions are taken and true changes are made for us as consumers.

Diet Tips for Fibrocystic Breast Disease

fibrocystic-breastWomen who suffer from fibrocystic Breast disease often experience variations of pain and discomfort in their breast, and sometimes spreading as far as their arms. It is extremely common for the breasts to feel swollen, tight, and weighed down. Breasts can develop cysts or lumps throughout the tissue causing pain which may increase during their menstrual cycles.

Consuming a healthy well-rounded diet can help in decreasing pain related to fibrocystic breast. Below is a list of items every woman with fibrocystic breast should add to their grocery list immediately!

    • Vegetables. As children it has been engrained into our minds that you must eat your vegetables! This is 100% correct. Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals we need to strengthen our immune system and cognitive function. Vegetables are also incredibly effective in removing excess fluids from the body thus aiding in decreasing swelling in breast tissue.

<li>Fish. One of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids is fish! Whether it is salmon, mackerel, or sardines, Omega 3’s reduce inflammation and help improve blood circulation. The FDA recommends consuming no more than 5 ounces of fish to meet your desired protein intake.

  • Nuts. Walnuts, flaxseed, and chia seeds are high sources of omega 3 fatty acids for those who would prefer to surpass the fish option. Just ¼ cup of walnuts will supply you with over 90% of your daily value of omega 3! It is extremely easy to incorporate flaxseed and chia seeds into any meal throughout your busy workday.
  • Meat. When choosing meat for dinner remember that low fat meats are the best option. It is important for women suffering from fibrocystic breast disease to keep that fat intake low, this prevents any further health complications or worsening of their current symptoms. Good low fat meats include skinless chicken breast, turkey, and extra-lean beef. Beef is best consumed in moderation due to its increased levels of saturated fats and cholesterol.
  • Low Sodium Foods. Sodium helps your body to retain water. Not only can it worsen the swelling of your breasts it can also bloat your stomach adding intestinal discomfort. Don’t think too extreme and eliminate all salt from your diet. Salt is vital for proper neurological function. To make sure you are consuming the proper amount of salt, choose foods low in sodium and use seasonings that are sodium free.
  • Whole grain foods. Whole grains are extremely beneficial to one’s health. Studies show that the regular consumption of whole grains reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure, and helps maintain a healthy weight. Examples of whole gain foods include oats, quinoa, and brown rice. The FDA recommends women ranging from 19-50 years of age consume 6 ounces of whole grains a day.

Just by incorporating the few tips listed above into your daily meals you can positively impact your health. The cascade effect can affect your overall happiness and outlook on life. For Instance, consuming whole grains and while limiting added salt can reduce inflammation in the breast tissue, and increase blood circulation thus reducing major irritant which cause you so much pain. With reduced inflammation and pain levels you will be happier throughout the day and more productive.

**Before trying any of the recommendations above please consult with your medical doctor to ensure it is the right choice for you.


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Uterine Fibroids and Pregnancy


Women with uterine fibroids are often concerned about their ability to conceive. Although uterine fibroids are benign tumors, they have the potential to negatively affect pregnancy. The growth of tumors is affected as estrogen levels are elevated. This is why some tumors expand during pregnancy when hormone levels spike. A fibroid can cause infertility by blocking the entrance to the fallopian tubes preventing sperm from implanting into the egg (ovum). Even if the egg is fertilized, submucosal fibroids can prevent implantation and further growth of the embryo. Large fibroids may block the birth canal resulting in a cesarean section. Women with several growing fibroids during pregnancy may indirectly limit the growth of the baby.  In some cases, uterine fibroids have been linked to miscarriage, premature birth, and postpartum hemorrhage. Complications from uterine fibroids can vary greatly.

When planning a pregnancy with uterine fibroids, be sure to weigh all benefits and risks. Most women do not require surgery to remove cysts before getting pregnant. Pre-pregnancy fibroid removal is only encouraged when the tumors are large enough in size to impede the baby’s growth; or if the predicted loss of blood or hemorrhage is high. If surgery is necessary, give your body ample time to recover before trying to conceive. A uterine myomectomy is a surgical procedure which removes fibroids while preserving a woman’s reproductive capabilities. Uterine Fibroid Embolism is a newer, less invasive procedure, where the doctors enter the uterus through small incisions in the stomach and uses a small device to block blood vessels leading to the fibroid. With the blood supply to the fibroid blocked, it slowly deteriorates and removes itself from the wall of the uterus. The recovery period for a regular myomectomy is four to six weeks, where a uterine fibroid embolism only requires a one to two week recovery period. The uterus needs to fully heal before carrying something as precious and delicate as a child. Remember most women do not require fibroid removal to conceive and carry a child to full-term.

The good news is most fibroids have little to no effect on the pregnancy. The most common complication resulting from uterine fibroids is a cesarean delivery. Common symptoms of uterine fibroids during pregnancy include constipation, abdominal cramping, pelvic pressure, and frequent urination. The majority of fibroids that grow during pregnancy shrink after giving birth because hormone levels decrease. As long as the fibroids are not extremely large or directly blocking vital areas of the uterus, many doctors suggest going on with your pregnancy as normal. Doctors assess the severity of each case individually to ensure the safety of both mother and child. Uterine fibroids are easily monitored during a pregnancy through periodic ultrasound appointments.

Many doctors advise their patients to steer clear of over dramatic views on uterine fibroids. Ultimately, doctors know what is best for each woman under her individual circumstances. As long as the fibroids are monitored on a regular basis and all precautions are taken, there is no reason why you can’t have a successful pregnancy with uterine fibroids.

Inflammation and Psychological Disease

With psychological disorders like depression becoming increasingly common upon Americans, researchers have extensively studied the basis for such diseases, and found that inflammation plays an important role in the pathophysiology of some of the most common emotional disorders. Studies based on experimental inflammatory conditions and antidepressant medications support the inflammation hypothesis, concluding that emotional disorders are associated with chronic, low-grade inflammation. Clinical depression, for example, is coupled with free radical damage caused by the associated inflammatory condition, and may contribute to progression of the disorder..

Depressed Brain

With the link between psychological disorders and inflammation established, researchers are now attempting to locate the source of the inflammation that’s causing their progression. Here are some of the theories regarding the source of inflammation in psychological disorders:

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Inflammation and HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus (commonly known as HIV), is a virus that damages the immune system, interfering with the body’s natural defenses against disease and pathogenic attacks. HIV can weaken the immune system so severely that it causes AIDS, which can potentially be life-threatening. Unfortunately, there is no cure for HIV or AIDS, but medical advancements have made it possible to slow the progression of such diseases, while lessening the symptoms.hiv-virus_2548220b

HIV symptoms can be severely debilitating, ranging from fever, muscle soreness and flu-like symptoms to night sweats and oral/genital ulcers. The symptoms tend to vary depending on the stage of HIV the patient is in, and the symptoms can even go unnoticed in primary HIV infection. When the condition is latent, there are often no signs or symptoms, however, some patients experience swelling in the lymph nodes even during this phase. The virus can multiply within the body, progressively destroying immune cells. If no treatment is given, the disease may progress to AIDS.

Because HIV is a disease of the immune system, inflammation plays many roles, both directly and indirectly. For example, having HIV can make the patient extremely susceptible to other conditions – most of which have an inflammatory basis. Meningitis is a common central nervous system infection associated with HIV, and is characterized by inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Kidney disease is also a common complication among HIV patients, as inflammation of the tiny filters in the kidneys causes major disruptions in kidney function. Continue reading

The Most Important Steps To Maintaining Your Reproductive Health

preg checkup

Simply being a woman has implications for adopting certain precautionary health measures. Women have specific health needs related to reproductive function, and these needs usually vary depending on what stage of reproductive capability they’re in. According to the World Health Organization, reproductive health [implies that] apart from absence of disease, women have the ability to reproduce [if they are of child-bearing age]. Here are six of the top health implications for women’s reproductive health, and why they’re so important in preventing devastating disease. Continue reading